Friday, January 31, 2014

February - Ban Fluoride

 Alright, everyone. Right now would be a good time to take a deep breath and maybe sit down, this article may be extremely shocking to a lot of you. I admit I didn't know what I was getting myself into, but this is a major issue that I'm surprised I didn't give more thought to before.

Saturday, January 11, 2014

Tapped the Trailer

This is the trailer for Tapped The Movie taken off of YouTube. My family owns this film and to view the full movie I encourage you to buy it, it's worth the money spent!

Wednesday, January 8, 2014

January - Ban Bottled Water

This January say no to bottled water! 

Why ban bottled water? 
1. Because plastic water bottles actually have very dangerous chemicals in it, like BPA. It's scientifically proven that when water sits in these bottles some of those chemicals leach into our water! Chemical water anyone? 
2. Big corporations such as Nestle and Pepsi Cola own all of the commercially sold water brands such as Poland Spring, Dasani, and Aquafina to just name a few. 
3. The water in these handy bottles isn't as "pure" as they make it out to be, in fact one third of bottled water actually comes from the tap! 
4. 90% of water in the U.S. is fit to drink, so why are bottled water companies charging 2,000 times more for something we can get from our own sinks virtually for free?! 

Another helpful tip, don't freeze your water bottles! It releases toxins into your water poisoning us all the faster!

This New Year...

 Happy new year everyone! To get 2014 off to great start I am having a monthly product protest, every month I'm going to list one item or type of item that is banned (meaning no buying, you can use it if you have it but no buying any other.) for one month. The monthly banned product can be anything from cleaning products to a specific brand of clothing depending on what the most pressing current issues are. What might the reason be behind this overwhelming idea?