Saturday, November 1, 2014

November - Ban Products From China

 In these modern times it's hard to walk into a store and find a product that doesn't say Made In China (Or the fancy code name they created: P.R.C.- Peoples Republic of China). From Kitchen products to children's toys to clothing, nearly everything sold in stores have been shipped overseas and came from Chinese factories. A day in the life of one of these workers  would probably seem a nightmare to us pampered Americans. Here is an excerpt from an independent lens documentary called China Blue.

 Not only is this heart breaking that these people are only getting paid an average of 64 cents an hour based on a statistic in 2002 (barely enough to live on!), but the fact that they don't have any healthcare and get docked pay if they don't show up for work if they're sick! The most recent survey of what workers are paid was in 2002 because reliable statistics just don't exist past then! You have probably have heard about the clothing factories that collapsed in Bangladesh, and safety conditions aren't much better in China where there is little to no safety regulations. If the idea of collapsing factories isn't disturbing enough, there are so many factories in China that pollution there is out of control, so much so that on smoggy days citizens have to wear masks so they won't breathe the poison air in! 
 Not only are the workers and the environment surrounding the factories suffering, but those who buy the products are also effected. Chemicals banned in our country can be used in China, the food is also tainted with chemicals because the factories pollute the water and soil with dangerous chemicals. There have been numerous incidents of people (and animals) dying from tainted foods, for more information check here
 Here are a sampling of products that are made in China:
  • Apple computers
  • Whole Foods 365 Organic products
  • Motts and Tree Top Apple Juice
  • American Flags
  • Chips 
  • Garlic
  • Ginger
  • Vegetarian Meat Products
  • Many canned foods
  • Nike
  • Disney Products
  • Motorola
  • Samsung 
This is just a sampling list of the many many products that are made in China.
 The question most people are asking at this point is "Well what can I do about it?" First off is stop supporting these despicable factories with your hard earned dollars! Just think about it, if maybe just 100 people stop buying from companies who have factories in China and call, e-mail, and sign petitions for these companies to change we might just have a chance! This month buy local, support your local farmer, support small companies, support companies who pay their workers a fair wage (look for Fair Trade labels)! In these tough economic times people are trying to pinch pennies and, let's face it, Chinese products are cheaper. But before saying "Alright well that settles everything for me!" here are some things to think about: You yourself are a worker and you obviously want to get paid for your time and effort otherwise how are you supposed to live? 
Another thought is: Isn't it so annoying when that thing you just bought on sale falls apart, forcing you to buy another one a week or so later? By buying cheap products you inevitably end up paying more than you would for more expensive products, because you are forced to keep buying replacements. 

Now for this months assignments. As always assess your level and follow the recommendations I have for you!

Level One- You love the thrill of the sale, but never thought about what "Made in China" really means. Here are some ideas for you:
  1. Watch this thirty minute documentary on Chinese toy factories called Santa's Workshop.
  2. Start looking at labels to see where your products are made.
  3. Your assignment is to not buy any children's toys that are made in China. 
Level Two- You know about the horrors of sweatshops, but money is tight. Here are some ideas for you:
  1. Read labels before you buy any product. Ask yourself "Do I really want to support this system of underpaid mistreated workers?" before going through with the purchase.
  2. Don't buy any food that has been made in China.
  3. Look for products with the fair trade symbol on it.
Level Three- You stay away from Chinese made products as much as possible, and try your best to stay local. Here are some ideas for you.
  1. Sign this petition for Samsung to stop taking advantage of their workers! 
  2. Watch this video about Apple and one of it's major factory suppliers Foxconn.
  3. Challenge yourself by buying as few electronics as possible this month.


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